Monday, June 14, 2010

Sanders at their home away from home on the Beach


Genevieve said...


Your family is simply beautiful. And, frankly, your girls look like they could be twins!!


Colton Anne said...

Love the pics...thanks for making me cry!! Love you all! The girls especially loved seeing pics of their cousins!!

JanEllenSanders said...

Genni - they have been about the same size since they were 2 and 4....SO many people ALWAYS ask if they are twins. I am afraid that Julia (the younger one) will pass Caroline up this year!

Colton - glad the girls enjoyed it!Blame the tears on your pregnancy!

Mary said...

LOVED it!! It looked like you all had a great time at the shoot.

Nebraska Nelsons said...

I'm not pregnant! Thank you for the tears - your family is beautiful! Marielle

dok4 said...

You have a beautiful family. My boys and I recently visited Gulf Shores for the first time. The ocean and beaches are amazing. If we were'nt already settled in MO, I would have moved there. I loved reading your blog and seeing your family pics. I was googling old schoolmates, when I came across your blog. I went to school off and on with your husband. Any way I've only found info on a couple of old classmates so far. I'm so happy to see he has a wonderful family and life to be proud of.

Jamison Family said...

Wow! The next time we take pictures I am going to show this to the photographer. I'm totally crying :)